Neha Uberoi on athlete mental health
Author - Neha Uberoi
Seeing my 'imperfections' daily was just too overwhelming and to cope, I learned to start thinking in gradations and to keep re-focusing on things I could control.
South Asians in Sports (SAinSports) is a network of South Asians who work and play in sports. Our first event is March 16th 2017 at The Yard in Manhattan, NYC.
What do I do with this precious and privileged life given to me. What can I make of it and how will I spend each day? What is pulling me forward towards dedication, love and energy?
It's the holiday season and I'm sure your work environment is filled with delicious junk food. I think the only sustainable solution is a change in mindset. If you go in everyday thinking "I won't give in," you are using will...