The Best Tricep Toning Exercise

My triceps are one of the weakest parts of my body and the hardest to tone. I have to work diligently to keep them firm and strong. It’s a spot I tend to put on fat the fastest and I’m always a bit conscious of them.

I learned a triceps pushup when I was training in India with a super offbeat Yoga/Strength coach.  His workouts were off the wall and included breathing out profusely with each movement (seriously, it was insane).  However, the triceps pushups he showed me improved my strength and my second serve.


Get in push up position with your hands at your bra line (instead of by your upper chest) and very close to your body. Keep your elbows  tucked in, as close to your body so that they are grazing your sides as you go down for a pushup.

You should feel a very different set of muscles working (hopefully your triceps).

If the normal push up position is too hard, try this exercise with your knees on the ground and your feet in the air (assisted pushup position).

This is one of the hardest exercises for me!


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