Anger Management Tips

Do you have anger management issues? Feel like screaming your vocal cords out? Is your anger directed towards someone, a family member, a co-worker? Is your anger stemming from a situation you can’t control?

Anger is an extremely powerful energy source and often seen as uncontrollable.  We can learn to channel it in to positive vibrations and outcomes. 

It is impossible to never get angry, so I put together some tips and tricks that help me cool off. I can’t say I can handle my anger very well but I am infinitely better than last year! 

First and foremost BREATH!

1. Immediately change your location. Move to the next room, go outside, to the bathroom. Do not be in the same surrounding where you initially got angry.

2. Scream. Drive, walk, run or sprint to a place you can scream so loud it scares you. If you are at the office, maybe walk out of your building and in to your car, or down the hall in the bathroom. 

3. Invest in a pair of boxing gloves. Punch the day lights out of something you can afford to break. Be sure to use your right cross with full intensity. Try not to break your fingers.

4. Run as fast as you can until you feel you are going to collapse. Anger is such a strong and energizing energy source. Expend it with positive physical activity such as running, lifting weights or p90x. If you are at work use the fire exit and  run up 10 flights of stairs. 

5. Take a nap. I am a believer in the healing power of naps. Nap it up like the napster.

6. Write down your emotions, write down the violent thoughts going on in your head such as your murder plot or plans for vengeance.

7. Hang out with someone who is neutral to the situation, a friend without any annoying habits and someone with a great sense of humor. Sit and laugh with that person, no need to tell them why you are angry. Just help yourself get out of your own head.

Try these tools next time your nose starts to flare. You wouldn’t want to end up like these people on youtube! 

Angry People

Sometimes our anger can come from a deeper place of hurt, betrayal or other complicated situations. For this type of anger, having a good network of friends can help lift us out of the pain. 

I hope this helps you redirect and release that potent energy, anger.